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7 Reasons Why Do Scammers Use WhatsApp?

7 Reasons Why Do Scammers Use WhatsApp?

A lock glowing in blue light
I have heard many incidences of my friends and relatives getting scammed on WhatsApp. If you also have high curiosity to know WHY! Let's get started!

#1 Whatsapp is so popular and it has 2 BILLION users which makes it the most favourable playground for scammers to target the whole globe. As they get enough potential persons to easily scam them.

#2. According to Andrea Rosales who is a researcher at the UOC's internet Interdisciplinary Institute says that "WhatsApp is the most commonly used application by adults over the age of 65". 
This statement proves that WhatsApp is the most desirable social media app for scammers because it has a high number of aged people who mostly don't have complete knowledge of technology.

#3. On WhatsApp, you can receive messages from anyone who has your number and it does not provide you with any privacy options like who will be able to message you.
Other social media apps have this privacy option and that's why scammers prefer WhatsApp not apps.

#4. Whatsapp provides you with a feature to send files or pdf which the other social media apps lack and scammers send documents which makes the target person believe that this is not a scam.

#5. Scammers can call their victims through WhatsApp even if that phone number's incoming and outgoing services are suspended and this feature helps the scammers to contact people.

#6. Scammers can get information on the target like their photos and some people have a profile picture with their work uniforms. 
During the scam when the scammer mentions the victim's profession then he/she trust increases in the scammer.

#7. When a new person indulges in scamming then he/she came to know about WhatsApp from his or other scammer's friends. That's why the new scammer will try to do a scam on WhatsApp as it will be his first priority.

How to track scammers on Whatsapp?
Enter the phone number and select the country India or the United States here. This will give you an approximate location but not a pinpoint of the location.

Is it safe to open a WhatsApp message from an unknown number?
It is safe to open but you should not click on any link sent by an unknown person because some links automatically start the download of a spy virus which will share your personal information with the unknown person.

Why do dating scammers use WhatsApp?
They use it because it is very convenient for them as most of the users on dating sites give their WhatsApp to start a personal chat. 

Thanks for reading if you think I have left any queries which should be answered in the post then please comment down. Comment down your queries if it is still not solved. I will try to solve it no matter what! 

